Friday, October 12, 2007


Claudia and I went and picked up my niece Kylee from her babysitters yesterday. Claudia wanted her to spend the night. They love each other so much. I think they hug and tell each other they love each other more than anybody I've ever seen. They got up this morning wanting grits and bacon. Yeah, good ole southern girls!!! They are really excited about going to see their special cousins Chantse and Kane play football tonight. We picked out their outfits this morning and tried them on and they did not want to take them off.
Well, I guess I spoke too soon. Claudia just hit Kylee on purpose with a wand. Woodie was sad and Claudia was even more sad. I made Claudia apologize and she said "Sorry cousin!" How funny. Ok, I guess I have housework to do. Oh, pray for Claudia because she has a dental appt. Thurs. morning for impressions for new front teeth. I know how adults are about impressions so think of us at 8:30 am on the 18th.

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